first visit

what to expect

We help your child settle in

Your child’s initial visit is designed to help them feel comfortable in their new environment.

we take a look

Our child-centered team will walk your child through a complete examination of their teeth, soft tissue, including frenums, bite, eruption pattern, tonsils, and airway. This includes any necessary pain-free digital x-rays.

We offer an assessment

A risk assessment following the exam will also be completed along with an oral hygiene and diet review.

We’ll share what we find

You can expect complete transparency and answers to all your questions, so you can make the best decision for your child.


Occasionally, any necessary treatment can be performed the same day as the examination. However, a complex medical history or treatment plan may require an evaluation and a second appointment to provide treatment on another day.

prior to the visit

Please fill out new patient forms here.

what to bring

  • Referral slip if applicable
  • List of medications

finances & insurance

We offer a complimentary benefits check of your dental insurance. We also have a variety of payment plan options including CareCredit financing to help your child get the treatment they need.

love love love this practice

“We love love love this practice. My daughter has been going since she was 3, and she is now 11. Every visit is pleasant! They are thorough and helpful and SO nice to my daughter. I wouldn’t take her anywhere else. I wish I had a dentist like this when I was a kid.”

Samantha F.

love love love this practice

“We love love love this practice. My daughter has been going since she was 3, and she is now 11. Every visit is pleasant! They are thorough and helpful and SO nice to my daughter. I wouldn’t take her anywhere else. I wish I had a dentist like this when I was a kid.”

Samantha F.

send us a message!

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Call or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.